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When I went back and seen him in a month He could not believe the differences I could walk I could touch my nose with my finger. Strength in my hands, had energy to move it was a complete turn around, I feel that with LDN I have a fighting chance over MS, It my not stop all thje systems but what I found in my research is that with LDN it stops the progression of MS, and no side affects they give it to pregnant moms to stop them from loosing the baby 2 Hi Soufitech I've been taking LDN since November of 2010. It has helped me overcome the extreme pain I had been experiencing for two years leading up to taking LDN. I am so thankful for what it has done for me - being able to sleep through the night without waking up racked with pain, crying and sobbing quietly so as not to disturb my husband has been a lifesaver. It's amazing the difference that sleeping through the night makes! As I haven't had any other HUGE improvements as far as I know of, I am endeavouring to rid my body of candida which impedes LDN affectiveness for some. I recommend that you get her off the drugs, onto LDN as soon as you're able and to look into the Best Bet Diet (BBD) which you can read about on ÚÝæÇ ,,, áÇíãßäß ãÔÇåÏå ÇáÑæÇÈØ áÇäß ÛíÑ ãÓÌá áÏíäÇ [ ááÊÓÌíá ÇÖÛØ åäÇ ] and also the supplements that they recommend too. I hope this all helps her (and YOU!!) Rachael 3 I love the ldn. I feel so much better than while I was taking rebif. I sleep better and have more energy 4 Hello, I've only been on LDN since May, but so far so good. I haven't had any relapses at this point and it has almost no side effects. I probably wont know for sure for another 6 months to a year though. Let me know if you have any other questions. Carla 5 Hi! I have ms too, I've had it for 32 years, I'm not too bad but I started taking LDN 14 months ago and am very happy with the results. OK I know I will never walk without aids again but I feel so well, haven't had a cold, flu or anything since taking ldn, my spasticity has gone, I am able to do more excercises without any pain or stiffness, I am able to get in and out of bed unaided and generally I can lead an almost normal life. I live in Australia but I do know there are people in the States who take LDN, I pay A79.00 per month which I can manage quite comfortably and I take 4.5 mg each night .. pilot . 6 Hi my name is Paul I have been on LDN for a few years now and it has helped me for fatigue problems and other MS problems and slowing down the progression of M.S I was the first male to try this in Australia for Multiple Sclerosis now there is over 10,000 people over here using LDN I know females can take it in higher dosage because of their hormones please look on LDN Naltrexone web site to find out more information as i take it in liquid form and to be honest i think it has helped me. Please keep me informed on how you are going Take care Paul 7 YES I would say to go on LDN!!!! I will NEVER stop taking it..................I used to take Rebif.........a few months and quit it........many side effects, and also Copaxon. Tried that one twice....brought on a relapse for me. Called shared solutions sooooooooooooo many times and all they say is that sometimes that happens sooooooooooo no longer take that one either. I take 3mg of LDN a night.. it is a small compound capsule....get it from Skips pharmacy in Fla.mail order...... you can take anything with it and if you are not sure what you can mix with it call or fax skips pharmacy and they will get right back to you about it!!! BUT NO ALCOHOLE EVER!!!! I also take 5mg of Amprya those are ALL I am on!!!!! ONLY LDN AND AMPRYA They ( Skips pharanacy) are SPECIALISTS in LDN and VERY VERY reputable..they call you,answer any questions, and mail it (LDN) out to your doorstep within days!!!! COST???? $25.00 a month INCLUDING SHIPPING.........Google LDN there is A LOT about it and MANY people on here take it also.............check out "knuckes" on here.........he is an advocate on it and we swear by LDN!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck.....there are different doses of the LDN........only a compounding pharmacy can fill it. I take the lowest cause I only weigh 88 pounds now. It goes as high as 4.5 mg a night and it MUST be taken between 9:00PM and 3:00AM.........something to do with what the body produces or something. I took it to a pharmacy by me and I WAS paying $50.00 a month!!!!.....Skips is $25.00 including shipping and it is right to your door..no signature required. SKIPS DOESN'T TAKE ANY INSURANCE.............they did not use to but you could ask them. Jan 8 Hey - LDN is an experimental treatment for symptoms of MS and has no effect on the disease itself. In Norwayit is not approved by a specialist range but the recipe is printed on the exemption from the general practitioner. Studies have shown so far that LDN can be effective and is now in Phase 2 for approval to theMS. Personally, I have good experience with LDN. It has dampened especially my symptoms fatique and heatintolerance. In combination with Copaxcone (which is the only brake medicine it can be combined with), mylife has become much better. My recommendation is to try out to find what works best for your wife. It is difficult to know in advance what will work and it may take time before the drugs reach full effect. It makes me sad that the economy will be a crucial factor for the drugs used and not what is actually helpingthe individual. But having said that it is not always the most expensive is the best - at least not when it comes to MS drugs. Have a great day. Sincerely, Åse 9 Hi there! I'm great thanks! Honestly, I cannot give enough raves about LDN! I was on Copaxone for 3 months and I hated every second of it. The injections hurt, my hair fell out and broke off, my skin felt dry and started looking leathery, my nails peeled away and were very thin and brittle and my sense of smell was disrupted.. as everything smelled like a dirty garbage can, and it did nothing for my symptoms. I started taking LDN and the first week I noticed a small change. I was happier, more energetic and I just felt as if a huge weight was lifted off me. It has been 1.5 months now and I am at my optimal dosage or 4.5 mg. The MS symptoms have been going away slowy from the start of the LDN. I feel normal again. Its just amazing. I started running again which has been a passion of mine since I was young. Those CRAB drugs are very expensive. The LDN costs me about $70 shipping included for a 3 month supply :) Let me know what she decides! If she cant get it from her doctor she can get it from a Dr who does phone consultations (this is what I have to do). He is very nice and will take good care of her. He does charge by the minute when you have the appointment, but its only a one time thing. Then when you need refills the conversation only lasts for one minute, and its only once every 3 months. Take care, Jami 10 Hi, yes I've been taking since March with various benefits at different doese. Finding or getting to the right dose for your own body is sometimes a challenge. It helps to have a doctor who is at least willing to look @ the info on LDN & work with you. I have had tooo many things go on while getting to my dose, so I'm probably not the best person to talk to :-/ Search for "doglovertoo" here; her name is Ginny & she is the most knowledgeable person I've met so far. There are also several people in the FB group "LDN, Got endorphines" (or something like that. If you have a problem finding either, let me know & i'll send you links or more info. It helps to talk to as many knowledgeable people as you can. You can find me on FB as Cindy Welch Strube, if you like. Have a wonderful holiday weekend. gmombutterfly 11 LDN is a very safe drug. Start with 1.5mg and work up to 3mg, then 4.5mg. Somewhere in there, you'll figure out the best dosage. It varies a lot. Stay on whatever drugs you're on, but leave a 4 hour gap before and after LDN - don't take anything in that period. If you wake up at noon and take LDN, that means you can take rebif at 4pm. There's no need to stop taking rebif. Stay on it if you can. LDN is definitely worth a try. It really helps with the fatigue and fog. The FDA approved it at 50mg, so 10% of that dose strength is safe 12 Hi I personally stopped taking Rebif before starting LDN 13 Hi I just saw your message. Yes I started taking LDN on January 3rd 2011 and have been taking it since. I have not had any relapses and I find my mood, energy , speech, anxiety etc. symptoms to be better along with not having a cold or flu. I was on Rebif 44mcg for two years prior to switching to LDN. I hope this helps and your wife gets better. You may contact me via email if you so desire at ÚÝæÇ ,,, áÇíãßäß ãÔÇåÏå ÇáÑæÇÈØ áÇäß ÛíÑ ãÓÌá áÏíäÇ [ ááÊÓÌíá ÇÖÛØ åäÇ ]. Regards Roger 14 I was using Copaxone which did keep My MS in remission however due to scar tissue build up it was becoming too difficult to inject the medicine. This is when My Dr. agreed to put me on LDN. I remain stable so am very happy with it. Perhaps You could check to see if drug company would provide an injectable at No/ or lower cost. Another suggestion is to ask Dr. to add LDN which is aproximately $35 monthly. Also if Rebif doesn't seem to be working She may want to try Copaxone. I started out on Avonex which did not work for me in fact I felt worse then I switched to Copaxone which is not an Interferon. Hope and Pray for good health for Your wife and Yourself, May God bless, Gloria 15 Sorry it took so long to respond. I couldn't be more of an advocate for LDN. It's the only treatment I've ever used and it has worked wonderfully for me. I was basically symptom free, my vision was good and my legs were strong. I haven't had any progression of my disease whatsoever and I get my MRI's faithfully :) I haven't had a relapse for 6 years. I was always wondering if my disease would have just taken this course anyway, but recently I had the chance to find out if the med was working as well as I thought. I am 25 weeks pregnant and my doctor advised stopping all meds for the baby. Within a couple weeks of stopping the LDN I was having significant weakness in my legs again, fatigue and vision changes. No relapses, thank God, but as soon as the baby's born I will be going right back on it :) I hope your wife is well. If you have any more specific questions please feel free to ask. :) áÇÊäÓæäÇ ãä ÕÇáÍ ÏÚÇÆßã ÓÃÞæã ÈÊÍÏíË äÝÓ ÇáãÔÇÑßÉ ÚäÏ ÍÕæáí Úáì Ãí ãÚáæãÇÊ ÅÖÇÝíÉ ÓÇÚÏ Ýí ÇáäÔÑ æÇáÇÑÊÞÇÁ ÈäÇ ÚÈÑ ãÔÇÑßÉ ÑÃíß Ýí ÇáÝíÓ Èæß ÇáãÕÏÑ: ãäÊÏíÇÊ ÍÈÉ ÇáÈÑßÉ - ãä ÞÓã: ÃÏæíÉ æÚáÇÌÇÊ ÊÌÑíÈíÉ ÃÎÑì |
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