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-   -   Sister and the Black Seed (https://www.seedoil.net/vb/showthread.php?t=3460)

أخت 03-27-2012 08:47 PM

Sister and the Black Seed
Asalaamu Alaikum
I'm new to this forum..Sorry, I can't really speak or understand Arabic (I had to translate all of these posts using Google translate). I read Br.Saad's story in a couple places on teh internet and was interested in learning more insha'Allah. I had my first symptoms at the end of December, beginning of January (not even 3 months ago) and was diagnosed with possible MS. I started taking two teaspoons of black seed oil every day (once in the morning and once before bed) for a little over two months now. Last week, i came down with a cold/ allergies and am now experiencing new symptoms (Weak right arm and right leg with foot drop). I saw my neurologist today and he wants me to get an MRI to be sure and thinks that it's most likely MS. I'm going to continue taking the black seed oil insha'Allah. I jsut wanted to ask if there's any thing you added to it or if you modified your diet at all (no bread? dairy?) It's very scary having such an unknown disease but everything happens for a reason Alhamdulillah. Jazakullahu Khairan for sharing all of this information.

Saad 03-28-2012 11:19 AM

Dear Sir,
I appreciate your work in translating my story. And I more appreciate your ‘signing up’ in this forum.
Though we had put a must in having the main name written in Arabic Letters. But just to tell you that we had done that after having many new users from the ‘western world’ just signing up to write bad words and insulations!

Anyway, first welcome in our forum.
Then if you would like to re-read my story and other replies to it in English language enter here;

dear “Sarafr” just to tell you, after our experience with new MS infected people trying to follow my way, and due to my previous experience I had passed and examined that some types of the seed oil is good and some is not, we had collected many information;

- First the seed oil SHOULD HAVE TO BE “cold pressed”. Concerning the types of useful oil, we had stated the good types of seed oil and there selling locations all around the world. Mainly the Arabic world; http://seedoil.net/vb/showthread.php?t=941

The type of good oil found in your country, USA:
Heimani Seed Oil; New EZ Mart - 10911 Dennis Rd Ste 407 - Dallas, TX 75229 - Tel: 0012145664846

We had stated a new strategy for the cure with the black seed here; http://seedoil.net/vb/showthread.php?t=3331 I know it’s in Arabic langue. Look I’ll not bother you in Google translating it! Mainly it state the ‘ask’ of taking in addition to the seed oil, the raw black seed. Put it in mouth then SMASH it by teeth. By doing that the most important part of the black seed; THE FLYING OILs that are the cause of cure is preserved in mouth in this case. And we had searched about profit Mohammad (SAAS) and knew that he used to take 6 seeds (take more if you can but let be @ least 6 seeds). The black seed is found anywhere in our Arabic world. In USA I don’t know where u can find it. Search for it in any Arabic, Turkish …shops

.Dear, be sure that we are all with you. We are ready for any further ask from you. Any help
And we all here pray Almighty GOD to get cured / be preserved from any disease.

هنيدة 03-28-2012 04:22 PM

Dear, welcome to this forum
As my brother saad Said, there is a special section for the English informations to widen our help and reach more people all around the world

concerning the quantity of seed oil taken by you, I advise you to take just a tablespoon of oil
once in the morning is more than enough.
Because the oil is concentrated
and taking it in the evening will prevent you from sleeping ....
and this fact is also based on my personal experience

أخت 03-29-2012 12:56 AM

Jazakullahu Khair for all of your help and kind words of encouragement. I'm actually already takign Hemani Black seed oil (comes in a light blue box and my family had multiple glass bottles wiwth 30 mL or so in each). I will also start taking the seeds insha'Allah. I've been reading a few things onlne that encourage a paleo diet (no grains like rice, barley, bread as well as no milk, dairy products, sugar, etc) Did you guys do any thing to change your diets along with taking the black seed oil ?
Also, how long does it usually take for one to be confident that they are cured? And has any one gotten attacks that were connected with colds or allergies because both of my attacks seem to have come at the same time as me having bad colds? I really appreciate being able to talk with my sisters and brothers in Islam about this. It really makes me feel more at peace Alhamdulillah. May Allah reward all of you for your work. Ameen.

Saad 03-29-2012 12:45 PM

Dear Sister, really I consider you my sister! Firstly being my sister as any person needs our help and secondly being Muslim. I have known that Hamdulellah you are Muslim from many technical Islamic Words said by you! Ha Ha Ha.
Look dear
First, according to our “medical terms” I can’t say that I have been cured. Proving that in “this world” needs for my story to pass several stages and studies and
But from other point of view I say; “Fu… all these!” (And sorry for the bad word !!!) I have the strongest proof; first the words of the best creature on earth (SAAS) prophet Mohammad saying that the black seed is a cure for all diseases except death. And I have my personal experience that you have read. In addition to many sisters and brothers following my steps and getting cured. And I pray GOD to be an additional precious sister being cured also
Dear sister, concerning the special diet; ya there are many diets I always find on the net. Concerning me, I didn’t followed any diet! And I can’t! I love eating and thanks GOD I’m thin and don’t got fat! HA HA HA.
Concerning the supposed time needed to get “cured”; being @ the beginning of your feel in a SUPPOSED MS symptoms I think IF you are not passing an attack, two or three weeks are enough.
But this supposed time is based according to our tries. Nothing sure. But we always pray GOD for you dear

أخت 03-29-2012 06:54 PM

Asalaamu Alaikum Brother Saad,

Jazakullahu Khairan for you quick responses and kindess, masha'Allah. Alhamdulillah, Insha'Allah I don't have any permanent disability from the attacks yet but this is my 6th-7th day with a weak right arm/ hand as well as right leg/ foot. Do you mean that it should take 2-3 weeks to recover from an attack on black seed? It's much better than taking steroids Alhamdulillah but my neurologist was guessing that it would the symptoms would probably go away by themselves in 2-3 weeks. I read in your story that you haven't had an attack for the last 7-10 years. How about others on this forum taking black seed oil and black seed? How long did they take it and how long has it been since they have had an attack? Insha'Allah we are all cured of our physical and spiritual diseases and all of these trials increase our eman. Ameen.


هنيدة 03-29-2012 07:32 PM

Everyone in this forum has experience Tkhaltf do not forget about the other factors also affect emerging from the march of the disease, as well as MS varies from person to person
The results are now also vary from person to person, for me it's the beginning of the onslaught of the received MS and after two years but now for the transfer and honestly comes once a year, but in an acceptable and soft .....

Saad 03-29-2012 08:28 PM

Look dear SISER
Concerning other people, the cure from one person to other varies, as I’ve examined, is based according to the history of MS being infected with before taking the Black Seed Oil
People as you, as me, as others, who had quickly started with the black seed oil have ensured there cure from MS
Other people who were having the disease from a long time, are moving slowly on the path of cure
But @ least, the Black Seed Oil has put as a stop for the progress of MS
I don’t and CAN’T say that the seed oil must be taken in the attack time instead of other medications usually taken

أخت 03-29-2012 08:36 PM

Jazakullahu Khairan for your response Hunaida, The unknown factors of MS are what make it so scary to me...Some people say it's because of inflammatory foods like bread, grains, rice, milk and sugar...Others like Dr Zamboni of Italy say its because of blood vessels in the brain and others say its just genetic (which I don't believe). If I may ask, what were your symptoms and triggers like, how long did they last and what other things in addition to black seed are you taking to prevent it? For me, I think its the cold or allergies but I've only had 2 attacks so far (within about 3 months). Thank you so much for your help...I know all of my questions can be very annoying haha.

أخت 03-29-2012 08:50 PM

Salaam Saad,
Insha'Allah the treatment with black seed oil will cure me soon. Perhaps I wasn't using it for enough time before I had this attack...I decided to try to wait for the attack to go away without steroids this time because of some of the side effects and have been trying natural ways to reduce the inflammation (eating food and drinks with omega-3 antioxidants like spinach, grapes, flax seeds, olive oil, cinnamon, ginger and honey , etc) and staying away from inflammatory foods (like those made of grains, tomatoes, sugar). We'll see what happens insha'Allah. I'll have to be more patient.


Saad 03-29-2012 08:53 PM

Don’t say annoying anymore
We are all here to help u dear
Just to tell you some facts; we had studied Zamboni’s point of view toward the cause of disease, mainly he had stated the reason being narrowness in the veins. AND, we had searched and found an information of the black seed that WIDEN the veins

أخت 03-30-2012 01:52 AM

Jazakullahu Khairan Brother Saad. You all really are helping me. I started taking black seed oil after I did a google search on MS and reading your post on ehealth forums. Almost every muslim has heard about black seed but don't pay attention to it if they are healthy. SubhanAllah, I heard so many things about the black seed and its amazing that it widens the veins. I also read that the oil of the black seed contains over 100 identified therapeutic compounds, one of which thins the blood, another stimulates the production of interferon (which is used as a drug for MS but has lots of side effects because of the amount people are injecting into themselves). I think it also helps with allergies and immunity in general.. Insha'Allah there will be a way that we can get funding to study in an American lab....The knowledge would benefit a lot of people and it would be excellent da'wa as well.

Saad 03-30-2012 12:23 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أخت (المشاركة 22073)
Jazakullahu Khairan Brother Saad. You all really are helping me.

That’s what I wish dear

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أخت (المشاركة 22073)

I started taking black seed oil after I did a google search on MS and reading your post on ehealth forums.

Really I have forgotten that I’ve posted my story there! Actually I’ve posted my story all over the net in many places


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أخت (المشاركة 22073)

Almost every muslim has heard about black seed but don't pay attention to it if they are healthy.

Me to dear, and many! Many told me that they new about Profit Mohammad’s (SAAS) saying according to the black seed but they were surprised to examine the good results they have found after taking it! In this domain I always remember my friend’s saying, her name is Ghada and she had got fantastic results after taking the black seed oil (she was suffering from other disease and got rid of it by taking the black seed oil!) she had told me; this forum is working as reactivating the words of prophet Mohammad (SAAS) in a new form


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أخت (المشاركة 22073)

SubhanAllah, I heard so many things about the black seed and its amazing that it widens the veins. I also read that the oil of the black seed contains over 100 identified therapeutic compounds, one of which thins the blood, another stimulates the production of interferon (which is used as a drug for MS but has lots of side effects because of the amount people are injecting into themselves)

We have stated this before, with an important fact that I had heard from my friend and he is a doctor; the person gets use from the interferon THAT HE PRODUCE. And giving him an external interferon will prevent the body from producing it and will lead him to rely on the external interferon he takes


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أخت (المشاركة 22073)
I think it also helps with allergies and immunity in general.. Insha'Allah there will be a way that we can get funding to study in an American lab....The knowledge would benefit a lot of people and it would be excellent da'wa as well.

Nice! Look dear, I would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO thankful if you act in this field

أخت 04-03-2012 01:33 AM

Insha'Allah! I hope I can do research on it one day...I had an MRI this past Friday (March 31st) to address the symptoms I had that started a week before (on March 23rd)..weak right leg, and foot as well as a week right arm and hand. I didn't take steroids but continued to take the black seed oil and have tried to eat a teaspoon of raw honey every morning...I also tried avoiding wheat, tomatoes, sugar and milk and eating more anti-inflammatory foods (grapes, baby spinach and dark greens in salad, olive oil, flax seed). My symptoms weren't too severe to begin with but a week later, they are almost completely gone Alhamdulillah. I went to see my neurologist so that he could explain the results of the MRI to me and he diagnosed me with definite MS. There was a lesion on my brain corresponding to the weakness as well as about 5 other lesions.

On the bright side, the lesion on my brainstem from my first attack was no longer there Alhamdulillah....He thought that it may be due to the steroids I took after my first attack but I think it may also be due to the black seed oil insha'Allah. I don't know if he was just being polite but when I talked with him about it, he seemed slightly interested. I'm refusing the medication for now and will continue the black seed oil and try to modify my diet insha'Allah. I also have a contact for a Muslim doctor in the US who also has a PhD in Islamic studies...people referred me to talk with him about Islamic medicine so I'm going to call him tonight insha'Allah. In two weeks, I will also be getting an allergy test done. Will keep you posted insha'Allah.

هنيدة 04-03-2012 08:56 AM

Good morning
I am much happy for this progress and, God willing more
I hope your valuable dear wonderful stay with us along
And wait for the rest of the good news by your doctors and further improvement
Always waiting for you

Saad 04-04-2012 01:03 PM

I am so happy for your news dear Sister. And SOOOOOOOO happy for you being a member of our family


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أخت (المشاركة 22166)
In There was a lesion on my brain

corresponding to the weakness as well as about 5 other lesions.


Even if dear; I have some lesions dear after my first attack. But HAMDULLELAH, after taking the Black Seed Oil, they had shrunk in size. And the most important which I wish and think will happen to you; the demyelinating process have stopped


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أخت (المشاركة 22166)

On the bright side, the lesion on my brainstem from my first attack was no longer there Alhamdulillah....He thought that it may be due to the steroids I took after my first attack but I think it may also be due to the black seed oil insha'Allah

I don’t know if taking the steroids will demolish their existing. Anyways, HAMDULLAH for these news


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أخت (المشاركة 22166)

I don't know if he was just being polite but when I talked with him about it, he seemed slightly interested. I'm refusing the medication for now and will continue the black seed oil and try to modify my diet insha'Allah

Good decision, and that what I prefer. You know I don’t have the right nor the encouragement to ask MS patient to stop taking the medications (and in reality they are not medications! They are a kind of suggestive protectiveness!) But I prefer that. SPECIALLY if they are at beginning of MS and haven’t took the supposed protectiveness


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أخت (المشاركة 22166)

I also have a contact for a Muslim doctor in the US who also has a PhD in Islamic studies...people referred me to talk with him about Islamic medicine so I'm going to call him tonight insha'Allah. In two weeks, I will also be getting an allergy test done. Will keep you posted insha'Allah.

Good dear, keep us always updated with your news. And just to tell you, maybe just me and Hunaida are replying to your post. But believe me many would like to reply also but maybe the English language constitute an obstacle for them

أخت 04-09-2012 11:20 PM

Wa alaikum asalaam Hunaida and Saad. Thank you SOOO MUCH for making me a part of your family. It has helped me a lot Alhamdulillah. I was very scared after my first attack and also very frightened after my second, but this forum really helps increase my hope and iman, Alhamdulillah. I'm going to try to take an online arabic class...insha'Allah, i'll have a little vocabulary. Maybe i'll be able to communicate with some more people on the forum then hahaa

I spoke with the muslim doctor that night and he wasn't very specific but reminded me that black seed, honey, zamzam water, cupping (I think it's hijama in arabic?) and du'a are all things that could help insha'Allah. Hopefully eating honey every day will get rid of my allergies but I will let you guys know what the results of my allergy test next week are insha'Allah.

I had 2 quick questions for when ever either of you have time to answer insha'Allah:
What types of triggers for new attacks have you guys had or seen in other members? (for example, for me it seems to be coughing, flu or cold type symptoms).
(2) My relative is probably in her 60s and has dementia...Subhan'Allah, it's really hard to see her like this. She doesn't seem to remember who any one is except a few of her children. Have you heard of any accounts of how black seed/ Islamic medicine helps people with dementia/ Alzheimer's? I asked that muslim doctor and he said that senility was hard to reverse but that honey may help a bit. I remember the sunnah stating that for every disease, Allah has made a cure, except for death (and I think old age was also mentioned in the hadeeth?) I'm wondering which ailments are counted as old age?

هنيدة 04-10-2012 07:54 AM

Hi dear
Thanks for your valuable feedback
And downright Asubhta of our family and waiting Tree

أخت 05-01-2012 02:35 AM

Asalaamu Alaikum,

I feel like I have been away from the forum for so long. My cousin had a wedding last week Alhamdulillah..In fact, I went to her henna party right after my allergy test. Any ways, from doing a scratch allergy test, they found that I was allergic to dust, ragweed, tree pollen and dog. I don't clean the dust from my room often and am not very careful when my clothes and hijabs are on the floor, so I'm trying to be more careful about that now insha'Allah. My leg and foot are getting better and better Alhamdulillah, but they are still not completely back to normal. It has been about 5 weeks since my first attack. I feel improvement and when I walk a lot of times, cannot feel any weakness at all Alhamdulillah. However, when I walk quickly or walk for more than 5 minutes, the weakness comes back...not to the same extent as before, but I have a strange way of walking until I rest for a few minutes.
I also never mentioned, I am G6PD deficient..I was diagnosed as a baby because I had jaundice, but it hasn't effected me in any obvious way since Alhamdulillah...I stay away from fava beans because the doctor told my parents it is dangerous for people with the deficiency...but I have eaten them a few times by accident and nothing happened.....I've read and heard that people with G6PD deficiency cannot metabolize simple sugars as easily as others which can cause problems if they have a severe case of the condition.

هنيدة 05-01-2012 07:46 AM

Welcome to Vicki Been Waiting dear every day
And our joy to meet you today, downright
Congratulations to the wedding ....
Praise be to Allah and I am assured on you with your participation
For beans the same problem when my brother banned from beans, rewarding and of course, after eating times do not notice it, but caution
And are always happy Bhetwajdk us do not walk away
Is there anything new with the oil

هنيدة 05-01-2012 07:57 AM

Welcome to Vicki Been Waiting dear every day
And our joy to meet you today, downright
Congratulations to the wedding ....
Praise be to Allah and I am assured on you with your participation
For beans the same problem when my brother banned from beans, rewarding and of course, after eating times do not notice it, but caution
And are always happy Bhetwajdk us do not walk away
Is there anything new with the oil

أخت 05-01-2012 07:40 PM

Wa alaikum Asalaam Hunaida =) I'm sorry, I don't understand some of your last message...what was the problem with the bean and why was it banned? And why should I take caution? Jazakullahu Khairan to you and Saad for always replying to my posts in English. I hope to learn enough Arabic to be able to communicate as well as you communicate with me in English, Insha'Allah. I am still taking Hemani Black seed oil...I'll try to take a picture of mine and post it to the thread with the other photo..The packaging looks different. I haven't started taking the whole seed regularly yet. I bought a bag or two from a local indian store but they don't look authentic...I need to shop around for more, insha'Allah. I hope my leg and foot go back to how they once were soon insha'Allah.

هنيدة 05-01-2012 09:10 PM

I'm sorry dear
I dont write the English language well I try to communicate with you even with my mistakes
However I want to be among the pages of your topic
Happy for my presence with you
God willing, you will find the black pill are good

أخت 05-03-2012 10:54 PM

Salaam Hunaida,

Please don't be sorry. I thank you so much for taking your time to talk with me. It really helps Alhamdulillah and may Allah bless you for being so kind to your sister in Islam. I'm not sure if this will work, but maybe I can use google translate to translate my messages into Arabic. If they make sense to you, maybe you can respond in Arabic and I can use google translate to translate them into English. I will try translating my message from a couple days ago...when you have time, can you let me know if the website translated it correctly?
Here it is in English:

Asalaamu Alaikum,

I feel like I have been away from the forum for so long. My cousin had a wedding last week Alhamdulillah..In fact, I went to her henna party right after my allergy test. Any ways, from doing a scratch allergy test, they found that I was allergic to dust, ragweed, tree pollen and dog. I don't clean the dust from my room often and am not very careful when my clothes and hijabs are on the floor, so I'm trying to be more careful about that now insha'Allah. My leg and foot are getting better and better Alhamdulillah, but they are still not completely back to normal. It has been about 5 weeks since my first attack. I feel improvement and when I walk a lot of times, cannot feel any weakness at all Alhamdulillah. However, when I walk quickly or walk for more than 5 minutes, the weakness comes back...not to the same extent as before, but I have a strange way of walking until I rest for a few minutes.
I also never mentioned, I am G6PD deficient..I was diagnosed as a baby because I had jaundice, but it hasn't effected me in any obvious way since Alhamdulillah...I stay away from fava beans because the doctor told my parents it is dangerous for people with the deficiency...but I have eaten them a few times by accident and nothing happened.....I've read and heard that people with G6PD deficiency cannot metabolize simple sugars as easily as others which can cause problems if they have a severe case of the condition.

And here it is in Arabic:
salamu عليكم،

أشعر وكأنني قد بعيدا عن المنتدى لفترة طويلة. وكان ابن عمي 1 الحمد لله عرس الاسبوع الماضي .. في الواقع، وذهبت إلى حزب الحناء لها الحق بعد اختبار حساسية بلدي. أي وسائل، من القيام اختبار حساسية الصفر، وجدوا أن كنت حساسية من الغبار، غبار الطلع السجاد شجرة، والكلب. أنا لا تنظيف الغبار من غرفتي في كثير من الأحيان، ولست حريصا جدا عندما ملابسي والحجاب هي على الأرض، لذلك أنا أحاول أن أكون أكثر حذرا حول ذلك الآن إن شاء الله. ساقي والقدم والحصول على أفضل وأفضل الحمد لله، لكنها لا تزال لا يعود تماما إلى وضعها الطبيعي. فقد كان حوالي 5 أسابيع منذ لقائي الاول الهجوم. أشعر تحسن وعندما امشي في الكثير من الأحيان، لا يمكن أن يشعر أي ضعف في كل الحمد لله. ومع ذلك، عندما أمشي بسرعة أو المشي لأكثر من 5 دقائق، وضعف يعود ... ليس بالقدر نفسه كما كان من قبل، ولكن لدي طريقة غريبة في المشي حتى وراحة لمدة بضع دقائق.
أنا أيضا لم يذكر أبدا، وأنا G6PD أنا ناقص .. تم تشخيص أنا كطفل رضيع، لأنه كان واليرقان، لكنها لم تنفذ لي في أي طريقة واضحة منذ الحمد لله ... وأنا الابتعاد عن الفول لأن الطبيب قال والدي أنه أمر خطير للأشخاص الذين يعانون من نقص ... ولكن أنا قد أكلت منها عدة مرات عن طريق الصدفة ولم يحدث شيء ..... لقد قرأت وسمعت أن الناس يعانون من نقص G6PD لا يمكن استقلاب السكريات البسيطة بالسهولة التي يمكن للآخرين يسبب مشاكل إذا كان لديهم حالة شديدة من هذه الحالة.

Saad 05-04-2012 12:39 AM

Hi dear sister
First welcome back after your long delay away from the forum
Second, congratulations for the meriage of your relative
And i wish that u'll move also on the track of mariage if u have'nt yet

Sister, you are fantastic; u've traslated your previous post to arabic
Realy i feel that u are my sister

هنيدة 05-04-2012 08:21 AM

Welcome to my sister ..
I am happy to reply and many allow me to take part in English.
And ask you to put up with at my mistakes, and I also hired to translate Google workers, and in this period you learn more English, I studied this period with my son and also learn English and study it ... I Took advantage of this to my studies I
Lee gave me the encouragement and enthusiasm more
thank you

أخت 05-04-2012 07:55 PM

Jazakullahu Khair for the kind words Brother Saad. And Hunaida, Jazakullahu Khair for also helping me by answering my questions. I can definitely understand a lot of what you type in English, Alhamdulillah...I just noticed that you didn't address a few of my questions so I thought maybe you didn't understand what I wrote. I really appreciate the help both of you have given me as well as every one who works and participates to help their sick and healthy brothers and sisters .

الساعة الآن 09:53 AM.

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